The Church is Central to All We Do.
And he put all things under his [Jesus’] feet and gave him as head over all things to the church.
Ephesians 1:22
Church Leads the Way
We believe that God has established His Church to lead the way in accomplishing His will on earth among every tribe and nation. OPEN works with local churches as a connector and consultant to get your church members involved in every aspect of B4T. We exist to serve Jesus’ Church.
Empower Your Business Professionals
Does your church long to see professionals in every community, serving that community in Jesus’ name? Do you want your church to mobilize, equip, and launch professionals to reach places where Jesus is not yet known? Do you want to be part of multiplying a movement of Business for Transformation (B4T) around the world?
In the church, there is a wide variety of professional skills and training. OPEN helps you empower them to use their skills as business professionals by going to the least-reached or to support those who are working overseas as business professionals. We would love to start the conversation with you on how to get involved and serve you in what you are doing in B4T.
Find Yourself in B4T
Whether you’ve just discovered the concept of B4T, or you have been on this path for years, there is a place for you in the Business for Transformation world.
Discover everything OPEN offers to you and your church.
There is always a place for you to get involved in bringing His Kingdom comes among all peoples.
Businesses thriving and making Jesus known among all the least reached.