When: Tuesday, October 13, 2020
3-5pm US Eastern / 2-4pm Central / 1-3pm Mountain / 12-2pm Pacific
Who: Any church leader or representative interested in Business for Transformation
Where: Online
Cost: Free with a suggested donation of $15
The Church is God’s primary tool for advancing His kingdom on earth. God has equipped her with His authority to demolish strongholds and the Gates of Hades in every part of every culture on earth. We are passionate to serve the Church as she walks in this glorious destiny.
Please come together with church leaders and their representatives from around the country as we discuss some of the most pressing issues of concern related to Business for Transformation (B4T) and the Church. How can the local church mobilize, send, and care for B4T workers living out their vocation among the nations? What are real-life B4T stories happening right now? What can we be doing to build up our congregations to wholly integrate faith in every part of daily life?
Come join us as we discuss these vital issues together. The time is now for local churches to unleash multitudes of new church-centered, holistic, spirit-filled B4T workers and businesses bringing God the glory He deserves from all peoples.
Businesses thriving and making Jesus known among all the least reached.