The following are stories sent to me from a few OPEN network member from different parts of the world. I’ll share these periodically, to encourage those who have doubts about the impact of B4T. I’ve edited them a bit for clarification, and to protect those connected to these stories.
- Three of our teammates are training over 20 local government and education officials in leadership. During the first session, one of the local officials asked, “Why are you doing this for us?” My teammate Eric took that opportunity to share of our greater purpose for living and how we all are going to stand before the Father on Judgment Day. Over dinner that evening, this short answer prompted further impromptu discussions concerning how we can prepare for the Judgment.
- Three co-workers returned to a remote island that we had recently visited with an Ethno Tour. He wanted to follow up on the relationships that we formed. Yesterday, I received a message on Facebook from one of the community leaders (I know it’s crazy that remote 3rdworld villagers can have a Facebook account…it’s the power of the cell towers). He wanted to report to me on their visit and how they now consider these three people as part of their family now. This occurred after our teammates spent more than 14 nights in this village. Huge doors have just swung open with that statement. We have relationships like these forming in over 30 different locations that have had little or no previous exposure to the Gospel. The seeds are being planted, the watering is happening, and we are waiting for the Father to be glorified.
- Mo, an Arab in my office, pointed to the Arabic Bible I have over my cabinet; he was intrigued I had it. I told him to let me know if he’d like to study it together with his family. A day later, Mo had misunderstanding with my office manager, who is Buddhist, (an ethical dilemma) and he shared how in Islam there is space for white-lies (in this case, falsifying documents to his Embassy). I shared (as did the office manager) that our company doesn’t falsify documents because we know God is watching how we do business. I was so encouraged to see the office manager express strong feelings about how she won’t falsify documents. People are watching us!
PATRICK LAI and his family have worked in SE Asia for over 37 years. His experience in doing business with Jesus has brought him to understand the meaning of work and worship in the marketplace. He started 14 businesses in four countries, six of which are still operating. Patrick and his wife, May, mentor and coach businesspeople working where there are few or no Christians. Check out Patrick’s latest book, Workship, now available in paperback and e-book.
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